The Haunted Garlies House Series Part One

Posted in Ghost Stories, Paranormal, Sleep Paralysis on September 27, 2009 by shadowsontheside

I decided to split my Haunted Garlies House Series into 3 Parts:

Part One: The History

Part Two: The Early Years

Part Three: The Later Years

Let’s Begin… The History

The Garlies House is a cute, little 1 and 1/2 story, 3 bedroom house, situated in just about the middle of a nice street in a more safe area of the North End of Winnipeg.

We moved in on May 1st, 1984 on the day of a rare snowfall since there is a picture of me poising in front lawn of the house in front of one of the two little pine trees with snow up to the ankles of my boots.

I was 12 years old and the Real Estate Agent who called the house the “Doll House” because of the slanted ceilings upstairs ended up being my soul-mate that I met again 16 years later (Yes we have a bit of age difference) so there were a lot of things going on that was magical that year.

I never had to do any research about the house, because the house’s history always fell on my lap.

There was a Polish family with children who lived in the house before we moved in, they had built a huge fence in the backyard because they were feuding with one of the next store neighbors.

When I started working at Mcdonalds 5 years later, someone there knew the owner before the Polish family, which was a young single man.

Then on day when my Mom and I were heading out for the afternoon a man probably in his 60s showed up at our door saying that his father built the house in 1921 and he was wondering if he could take a look at the house.

He knew the layout of the house, so we let him in and he showed us around.

His Dad had built the house when the visitor and his brother were little.

He explained how at this time there was nothing here in this area of the North End except for a dirt road and fields.

There was only one other house already built on the “street” – a large two story house that was across the dirt road that belonged to the original owner still (she was a little girl at the time) – now she was an elderly lady that lived by herself who loves visitors to come over for chats – couldn’t get any more perfect than that!

As for the Builder’s son, he showed us where the coal shute was and how there was continuous storage area cubby holes that ran along the top floor rooms that had been closed off since then that him and his brother used to play in.

The walls were opened once to the cubby holes  while we lived in the house but I was away at the time so I never got to find out what they found in the walls, although I’m usually good at finding artifacts in homes so it was too bad I wasn’t around.

I never thought to ask this visitor if anything tragic or if something had happened to his brother at the time, because things hadn’t really gotten intense in the house at the point and I didn’t understand what was going on in regards to the Sleep Paralysis and Psychic Attacks although I was experiencing during the time period of his visit.

Come to think of it now, I think my room was his brother’s room.

As well, I didn’t ask what happened to their Mother or what year they moved.

The elderly lady across the street however did have one story about a tragedy that happened in the front yard outside of our house that I just remembered about as I type this which is helping me put some things together that I will explain in Part 3 of this series.

In any case, the lady across the street on my 1st visit with her explained that a single man lived in my house after the original builder and I’m assuming both sons moved out. (The single man is not the same man who my friend knew from Mcdonalds, too early in the timeline)

I don’t know what year this happened in but one morning, the new owner headed out the front door on his way to work.  I can just picture him in a business suit whistling with a suitcase in hand – when he reached the front yard someone drove up in a car and shot him – the new owner died instantly right there in the frontlawn.

That was the only story of interest that the elderly lady had that I can recall.

The only other interesting event history-wise of the Haunted Garlie’s House Story, was when my Mom was living at the Garlie’s House by herself. (I had moved out by this point and my Dad had passed away (at the hospital not at home)

One afternoon there is a knock on the door, my Mom opened the door and there was a young woman standing there with a pen and clipboard.

The female introduced herself as a location scout and they were wondering if they could use our house as a set location for a Haunted House/Horror movie starring Shannon Doherty – (Not the T.V. Show Charmed – but a movie)

My Mom thought this woman was scamming her and said no. (Winnipeg soon after that was to become Little Hollywood)

My Mom then called me and I was like –No Way!

Hmmm maybe someone could pick up on the “vibe” of the house (since by this point paranormal activity was very active at our house) because otherwise our house was cute little, unassuming house that looked like every other house in the neighborhood.

We heard on the local news that they found another house to film at in Winnipeg, but I don’t know whatever happened to the movie – it was probably a “Made for T.V. Movie”

So next time I’ll start Part Two – The Early Years, starting from when I was 12 years old where  the “fun” begins…

Until Next Time

Good Morning and/or Goodnight

Melody Chase

An Elephant In The Room

Posted in Ghost Stories, Horror Novels, Paranormal, Sleep Paralysis with tags , , on July 30, 2009 by shadowsontheside

O.k., I’m posting this blog and then after this I’m not watching any scary movies, shows or doing any more posts here until a special book that I ordered comes in the mail that is packed with healing and protecting affirmations.

I’m actually writing this originally on a Word Doc because something and I mean “something” knocked out my internet connection.

I don’t know why it is that I’m so fascinated in the paranormal and yet so slow to recognize when there is something going on right in front of me. This happened in the Haunted Garlies House that I lived in when I was a teenager – maybe it’s because I don’t usually “see” things I’m slow to the draw.

I have been living with my significant other and his aging parents in his parent’s house for the last year and a half.  We are building our internet business and helping to take care of his parents.

The house is a large 2 story with a partially developed basement (our den/office/TV room is down there)

It is in a nice treed area and the house was built in the 80s.

My partner’s parents have been under a lot of stress in their marriage but the house itself feels very comforting or at least it feels that way to me – actually maybe more like a “lulling” feeling come to think about it.

Part of the stress in the house is that my significant other’s Dad is somewhat emotionally unstable; he is quick to get angry and frustrated at the littlest thing. He is in remission from having cancer and is 80 years old.

My partner’s Dad has always had trouble sleeping and has such vivid nightmares that he thrashing around in his sleep. My partner’s Dad has his own bedroom because many years ago he punched a hole through the headrest in his sleep.

He has so much trouble sleeping he can pop sleeping pills like candy and it still doesn’t knock him out.

During his waking hours, although he is not senile, doesn’t have dementia, or a mental disorder he talks to himself and swears a lot.  He’s moody too.

Sometimes when he is laying down in his bedroom watching TV, he’ll be swearing, laughing and then make this strange whimpering noise all within a one minute period.

As well, sometimes, he’ll be upstairs and I’ll be in our bedroom down the hall and I think he’s in his bedroom and talking to himself and he just feels like he’s there and then I’ll hear him having a conversation with his wife downstairs.

His room is right beside the stairs so he may make it down without me noticing or I may have been distracted but it’s almost like an “essence” gets left behind if that makes sense.

So needless to say my partner and I have discussed the possibility of him being under obsession or even possession but my partner doesn’t seem to be taking it too seriously.

Then one time I was in my bedroom and everyone was downstairs I was trying out a DNA Rescripting Healing Exercise on myself right when I finished the affirmation, my partner’s Dad’s door slammed shut hard and there were no windows open upstairs.

Another time I was in the Dad’s bedroom doing some cleaning because a new bed was being delivered, there was a refreshing, strong and rare west wind blowing in the open bedroom window and it just seemed like such a moment of renewal that I had this stupid idea to try out a Reiki energy clearing technique which was silly because I haven’t been trained and as soon as I began a huge gust of wind blew in slamming the bedroom door shut with me inside the room.

There was so much force on the door that I couldn’t pull it open (and yes it opens into the room). I’m thinking “oh, I hope this is the wind doing this”, I finally got the door open and I lost grip on the doorknob and it slammed shut again but I was able to open the door easier this time – I made a note not to try that again just in case.

The only other time anything of interest happened was about 6 months ago

Our bedroom is right beside the upstairs bathroom (the bathroom being at the end of the hall) I went upstairs one evening (it wasn’t completely dark yet) to go use this washroom. As I was rushing by our bedroom I saw the shadow outline of a man standing beside my dresser – “that’s odd I thought, why is my partner’s Dad standing in our bedroom, he never goes in there” – flashed through my head. (My partner wasn’t home) By the time I was able to stop I was in the bashroom and I leaned back out of the bashroom to look into my bedroom and no one was there.

So I was thinking “Wow my first shadow person” but oddly enough I wasn’t scared or concerned. This may also be because I sleep really well in this house and I haven’t had any nightmares, psychic attacks or sleep paralysis so I was happy as a clam and not alarmed about anything.

In retrospect about 6 months ago was when I began having trouble with what I thought was Carpal Tunnel Syndrome with symptoms that went us my arms up to my shoulder blades including pins and needles, electrical sensations, numbness, fatigue, swelling, burning pain, sensations of pressure on my arms like the feeling you get when you’re having a blood pressure test.

These symptoms slowly spread to other areas of my body but not as extreme as my arms. I had to take a month off from writing this March thinking it was Carpal Tunnel.

I had tests done and I do not have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and I have had a physical and blood tests and I don’t have cancer, thyroid problems or diabetes.

I’ve been better the last couple of months but the symptoms still come up from time to time so I am going to be seeing a Neurologist now to test for Neuropathy and MS (my uncle has MS so you never know) I also had a little bit of what appeared to be rheumatoid arthritis in 2 fingers on my right hand.

Never had symptoms like this before, there is a possibility that these symptoms may be related to my role as a light worker (which is a whole other story, but a good story) – so I’ll be finding out hopefully soon once I get in for the Neurologist.

Otherwise things have been really normal around the house, then almost a month ago now, my Partner’s Dad had a fall in his bedroom and his arms went numb and he was really dizzy.

He has been in the hospital ever sense because the Doctors can’t figure out what is wrong with him, he has some of feeling back in his arms (it wasn’t a stroke or heart attack) and he has been tested for Dementia and Sundown Syndrome since he’s acting up at night sometimes and he’s still not sleeping even at the hospital. My partner thinks his Dad  has a pinched nerve in his neck.

In the meantime over the last couple of months I have been taking an excellent teleseminar series with Dr. Susan Shumsky and Rev Rian called “Healing the Astral –Mental Plane.”

They send the outline for the seminar about a week before each new teleseminar.  In Part 3  of the seminar we where doing some healings and affirmations for such things as shielding from lower energies and my partner’s Dad was calling in a panic from the hospital (it is like his has separation anxiety from his wife at times) several times (we have call waiting) during the seminar.

When the outline for the next part of the seminar came in there was a prayer for healing demonic thoughts and I joking said to my partner, just watch his Dad was going to call right when we begin the prayer – and guess what? He did, I wrote the time down for proof!

So even that I wasn’t concerned about and if anything I have been having more things happening when I have been staying over at my Mom’s  Apartment which I do every 2 weeks for a sleepover and to help clean my Mom’s apartment.

So that leads to tonight. I am a total night owl, my partner’s Mom had gone to bed and my partner was out with a friend.

I was downstairs in the basement in our office/TV room concentrating on an article that was due for the beginning of August so I had the TV off which is unusual for me at this time of night.

I wasn’t really paying attention to my surroundings but I do remember that there was a pressure change in the room and their was pressure on my teeth and I remember thinking, “hmm there seems to be noise coming from the first floor, like footsteps and some things shuffling around”.

It was too quiet to be my partner because he has really loud specially designed indoor shoes. I heard a toilet flush a couple of times so I figured maybe it was his Mom who came down for something – which is rare but not impossible.

If my partner’s Dad was home, that would make more sense because he used to come down all the time, which I forgot to mention is a big part of this story.

Since we have moved to this house, my partner’s Dad both winter and summer would come down for a snack or coffee  during the night complaining that he’s cold –  he’d fix the thermostat and then go back to bed.

One day a couple of months ago now, I was talking to my partner’s Mom and she said (unaided from any prompting from me) that her husband said he always get cold at 3am – 3am? Hmmm.

Anyway, so last night I’m busy working on my article and I had a sudden urge to go the washroom really badly, I was in the middle of something on the my laptop so I was going to take it with me up to the upstairs versus the downstairs washroom ( I just like it better and I was going to take a load of laundry down from my bedroom while I was at it)

So I went whipping up the basement stairs – dead centre across from the entrance to the basement and basement stairs is the kitchen dinette area and dinette table, which is in between the kitchen and the family room and even though the lights were on as I turned around the corner to the front foyer to go up the upstairs staircase I caught sight of the shoulder and arm of a shadow figure, sitting at the table facing the basement stairs – With the Dinette Lights On!

I’m thinking I’ll deal what this after I go to the washroom, so after going to the washroom and gathering my laundry basket I ‘m thinking, “It’s strange that I am not scared of the fact that I may have just seen a shadow person, it was so distinct but I was also going so fast and I didn’t stop to check.”

But then I started thinking, hmm I was hearing noises on the 1st floor and I have almost falling down the basement stairs 5 times this week ( not being pushed but just suddenly losing my balance) – the 5th time was earlier this evening.

The 1st time earlier this week I was standing at the top of the basement stairs talking to my partner and his Mom and I suddenly fell backwards but managed to hold onto the rail.

I also saw a light streak down to my right in the office/t.v room the night before and as far as I could tell if wasn’t a reflection off my glasses.

So then I’m thinking, hmm maybe there is something to worry about, so I decided to go downstairs and re-enact myself going up the basements stairs, there is a window in the dinette area and the lights were on  – maybe it was my reflection.

So with my laundry basket and my laptop on top I went downstairs to the 1st floor I began reenacting reaching the top step of the basement stairs and studying the window reflection, the laundry basket and laptop was getting heavy so I put them down on the kitchen peninsula (I should have kept carrying my laptop) and started waving my arms around to try and get a reflection in the window again.

Then I thought, “Well it doesn’t seem to be a reflection, but nah probably my imagination” – then the 1st floor lights flashed off and then on!

I jumped, then thought “No, it couldn’t be!” and the lights went on and off again! And not like a quick off/on, but more like as if someone had a dimmer switch and almost turned the lights off but not quite.

More important was the feeling I had when the lights went, it was the lower energy creepy thick sense of a presence that I used to get in the Haunted Garlies House when something big was going on and at my Grandmas and my most recent incident at my Mom’s apartment ( 3 weeks ago now) when something woke me up, put a hand on my shoulder then laid down beside me ( I was on my side and trust me I didn’t turn around and I was wide awake too, no sleep paralysis – by the way my Mom’s apartment has a 4am dead time)

So I’m like oh crap, then my first thought was 1) o.k., no more scary shows until my book arrives 2) I’m going to go to the basement (basements has always been safe havens for me oddly enough) to find my seminar notes and start some affirmations 3) I’m going to call my partner and if I couldn’t reach him I’m going to email him (he has a Iphone with email and if that doesn’t work I’m going Twitter someone, anyone.

But even as I headed down the stairs I already knew that my internet was going to be knocked out and after I got my partner’s answering machine, I braved going back to the 1st floor, grabbed my laptop and sure enough my internet was wiped out, it wouldn’t even register that there were any secure or any unsecure connections in the area.

So I began typing this post out until my partner got home, the rest of the night was uneventful other then at one point when both of us where in the kitchen neither one of us remembers opening the fridge that was wide open, but we may have been distracted and while in the basement, a plastic cup moved over an inch(it made a noise and I was kneeling right there)  but I may have off-balanced it because I had moved an Entourage DVD cover beside it a minute or two before.

So I don’t know what this means, I’m going to be objective and observe and not make any judgments yet.  There can be logical explanations, there can be subconscious mind explanations and metaphysical explanations as well as paranormal explanations.

All I now is I’m going to keep myself protected and wait for my book. The good news is that I received a message for  yesterday saying that they are fast-tracking my book order free of charge – that couldn’t have come at a better time!

I’ll give an update… at a later date.

Goodnight and/or Good morning everyone!


Stranger Than Fiction – Part Three

Posted in Ghost Stories, Horror Novels, Paranormal, Sleep Paralysis with tags , , , on June 30, 2009 by shadowsontheside

So looking over my last blogs it feels like I am trying to boast about what it is that I’m all about but I come across more like Tony’s (played by John Travolta) love interest Stephanie (played by Karen Lynn Gorney) in the movie “Saturday Night Fever”.

In the movie, Stephanie who is from Brooklyn works in Manhattan and she keeps trying to boast about how she’s in the big leagues now yet deep down she fears that she may never be one of them or that they may never accept her because she’s from the other side of the tracks. She also thinks that by talking like she’s one of them will help her to be one of them.

Well, the good news is that I feel a little bit more like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz instead now – I’ve had the power within me the whole time and that I had to go through a bit of a journey to discover that there is no place like home.

What I do and what I am about is so subtle that I always felt like I needed something dramatic to happen in my life to prove to myself and to others that I’m special.

If I was to be a healer I wanted to heal people instantly, if I was to be a medium I wanted to be able to see the future and communicate with ghosts.

To be honest I was too afraid to even go down the route of being a healer such as taking Reiki or Massage Therapy or Energetic Body Healing because I was afraid of the disappointment if I found out I wasn’t suppose to do it.

I often would try to predict the future or try to tune into what’s going on with people and then I would get down or depressed when nothing appeared to be happening.

However, I have found lately that when I just focused on what I felt like doing or felt like it was my purpose or duty to do – things would take care of themselves and I would be pleasantly surprised by my accuracy and what knowledge I have access to.

The times when this doesn’t work is when I’m trying to prove something or gain a sense of worth. Just like when I write, I cannot force the writing – the writing will unfold when it is suppose to unfold and it always does on its own time.

There has been a couple of instances in particular lately that have allowed me to relax into the idea that I’m just suppose to do what I do when I do it and I do not have a specific label for it.

The first was when my significant other lost communication with a friend of his and he was starting to panic thinking she was mad at him and was refusing to see or talk to him anymore.

I said I’d tune in to see what was up, I tuned into my feelings and I began to have a visualization of his friend, in the visualization I explained what I was feeling and seeing in the symbolic representations. I ended up being 100% accurate as to what was going on.

The next incident was with my other sister who lives here in Winnipeg. I was talking to her on the phone and she was saying that her friend’s son who was in his late 20s, had Schizophrenia and who escaped from the mental institution a few months before had just been found dead in one of our city’s rivers.

My sister said she was so surprised because she said she had the warm feeling that he has been fine these last few months and she even had a dream that she was standing at a riverbed and the police had pulled out a body and it wasn’t him but a little girl in a pink dress. She just couldn’t believe he was dead. The police was going to look into the case to see if it was suicide or not.

I didn’t think much of it at the time, but later that day, when I was sending my sister an email I had the urge to tell her that the reason why she felt like he was o.k. was that it was his way of saying that he is at peace now.

The following week in a seemingly unrelated incident, I was at a Doctor’s office in downtown Winnipeg, on the 8th floor where I had a nice view of Winnipeg’s high-rise buildings.

The doctor was behind schedule so I had time to sit and stare out the window. To my surprise I thought I could see way far down the street what looked like a man dressed in black running frantically around the roof of a building.

It didn’t seem right; as if I was viewing something that wasn’t suppose to be there. I’ve had incidences like this before, for example the day before 9-11, I was sitting in my car in downtown Winnipeg and watching high up in a high-rise office building a man looking out the window.

All of a sudden it looked like he was trying to jump out the window and I had a sense of panic and fear, but then he wasn’t there anymore – I don’t know if he walked away from the window, but he definitely didn’t jump.

Then I was on a bus one day and I was looking out the window at the back parking lot of a school. There was a young man with dark hair standing there in black trench coat, just standing there in a menacing way – again I had the feeling like he shouldn’t really be there.

The next day there was school shooting in the town of Henderson in the United States by two teenage boys in black trench coats.

So for this man on the roof I had an overwhelming feeling that he wanted to jump off the roof. I looked away for a few moments, thinking o.k. how would I deal with this, he’s really far away and I don’t know the building, when I looked back he was gone, although I knew he didn’t jump.

When I got home, I was saying to my significant other that I wouldn’t be surprised if we find out someone tried to commit suicide the following day. The next day was when David Carradine was found dead.

I’m not sure if there was any connection so I went looking for news on anyone that has jumped off a roof and the good news was there were no reports anywhere that I could find.

So then I was feeling kind of down because I keep trying or thinking that I have psychic abilities but I’m trying to force something that is not true.

Then I remembered that last week when my sister had told me about her friend’s son who was found in the river, my sister had said that the reason why he was in the Mental Institution was because when he was at a Doctor’s appointment here in Winnipeg, the voices in his head got him to jump off the roof of the 3rd floor parking parkade. (He survived and then they had to institutionalize him.)

So was this the spirit of this young man trying to give me a message to pass on to his family?

Later that day, I was talking to my Mom who had just got off the phone with my sister, my Mom said they had the autopsy back on the young man, she said that he had hung himself in a tree, near the river and the tree trunk broke and his body fell into the river.

I then blurted out, “Usually when a male hangs himself in a tree he is upset that he cannot be with a female – was he upset about a female? “

My Mom said that the family said that they regret not allowing him to see his 9 year old daughter anymore because of his mental condition and that he had been really upset about that.

So I explained that in his state of mind, he believed that he was never going to be able to be with his daughter that he loved dearly so he thought he would die so he could be with her from the other side.

Contrary to many people’s beliefs about suicide and being able to cross over, I believe that he has made it and he is at peace.

So this incident helped me to confirm that I have at least some psychic ability, but now was this going to help me figure out what I am supposed to be doing in my newest life transition?

Then I received a letter from my sister who is the Lightworker, then we talked together on the phone and I found out that I was in fact a rare type of Lightworker and that the Energy Shaman that I had worked with 8 years ago wasn’t hinting about what I was designed to do, but it was just that I didn’t understand what she was talking about at time plus I may not have been ready to comprehend everything then but I feel totally ready now!

So now I have a base to work with thanks to my sister and I know what I have to do to support my duties of being a Lightworker, so that left one last piece to this transition puzzle – as I perform my Lightworker Duties which is largely a behind the scenes type of thing (Which is great because I don’t have to worry about my social phobia) is there anything else that I should be doing?

Should I be writing non-fiction (relationship and self-growth topics), writing fiction like my Shadows on the Side Book or go in a completely different direction like doing Energy Healing or getting into paranormal activities like helping people in the astral plane cross over?

I thought I could find the answers by listening to Dr. Susan Shumsky’s Teleseminars about Healing the Astral/Mental Plane which is a 4 part series.

The way how Dr. Susan deals with entities/ghosts is through affirmation healing and it feels like it would work with the way on how I had stumbled upon dealing with the ghost of my Grandfather.

The way how Dr. Susan does it also prevents all types entities from jumping to other people, places and things because they are actually sent into the light. (Sometimes it may take a few times depending on the entity’s or ghost’s unique situation)

The 2nd part of the teleseminar series which was about Healing Ghosts and Apparitions was last night.

I was a bit hesitant about dealing with the astral plane, was I getting into something that was over my head and that I’m not properly prepared for?

I just wanted to check out the teleseminar to make sure that this isn’t my ego trying to grab on to something to give me a sense of self-worth and to make sure that my interest in the paranormal isn’t just a distraction from what I’m really suppose to be doing.

I was also interested because aside from my lifelong interest in the paranormal I also had a serendipitous event of talking to a Catholic Exorcist.

Many years ago, I used to work at a Marketing Research Firm doing surveys for different companies and products. One evening I was calling residents in the United States.

On one call, I was talking to a man who didn’t qualify for the survey when all of sudden he announces to me that that he is a Catholic Priest and Exorcist.

He then explained to me the history of Catholic Exorcists, how many of them were left in the United Stated and that their numbers where starting to go down. He also started talking about what “we” have to do for the children and how to explain to parents how to deal with their children who are having trouble.

I was sweating bullets because my calls were timed plus I could be monitored by not only my team leader, but the company of the survey I was working for and potentially an entire class of trainees, so I felt compelled not to encourage him to keep going, but it was fascinating. Then without me asking for this information he gave me his name, his phone number and said to give him a call anytime.

I lost his number, but as the years went, I have become more and more interested in whether that call was a coincidence or not.

So I listened to Dr. Susan Shumsky’s 2nd Teleseminar about Healing Ghosts and Apparitions.

It was simply amazing and everything has fit together perfectly, her material is what I need to develop my Lightworking abilities as well as heal and develop protection to deal with everyday energies that I am susceptible to since being a sensitive person.

Plus, I will be learning how to help heal ghosts and entities in a way that is loving and gentle for everyone involved once I learn how to protect myself.

So everything has come full circle.

So what happens to my Shadows on the Side Book? At the very least I am open to idea of continuing writing the book as a hobby and perhaps I will be able to put more helpful information into the book than I was originally planning to even though it is a fictional novel.

As for this Blog, I had reunited with one of my best friends Michelle though this Blog (small world or what?) and I promised that I would tell some fun stories about the house that I moved into when I was teenager which has an amazing history of paranormal events which includes one dark and chilly night starring Michelle, myself and a couple of our friends…

Until next time…

Melody Michaluk

Stranger Than Fiction – Part Two

Posted in Ghost Stories, Horror Novels, Paranormal, Sleep Paralysis on June 11, 2009 by shadowsontheside

So to continue on with my explanation of my newest life transition…

My significant other is exactly where he is suppose to be in all areas of his life and he is helping people all over the world in the area of Relationships and Self-Growth.

I have written a lot of material in these areas and I am very satisfied with what I have written and completed so far.

However, I couldn’t help but feel a little lost still and I was wondering if there is something else I’m suppose to be doing or doing along side what I am doing now.

I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I am what is called an Emotional Empath and I am what is called a Highly Sensitive Person.

There are indications that I am Claircognasant and Clairsentient – I often do what I believe to be a form of automatic writing, I’m aware and in control of what I am doing but I find I have insights and come up with information that I didn’t know I have and can often tell people things about themselves and their lives without knowing anything about them when I write things out or are answering people’s questions via writing or email.

I often write articles by tuning into my emotions or the emotions of others as the base point for the articles and sometimes when I would sit in with my significant other when he does guided visualizations with clients, my body will “talk” and give clues as to what is going on with the client – body-talk being something that my significant other and my former energy healer/Shaman had talked to me a bit about and from what I have learned from reading material by Louise Hay.

Over the last year, I found out my oldest sister has become a Light Worker and has been trained as a Healer. She came to visit in the fall and she has been encouraging me to meditate and she showed me the course outline for a course on becoming a Healer that she took and I told her that doing something like that was something I would find interesting and uplifting.

The only problem with that I still have Social Phobia and in fact I have become so sensitive lately that I can only go out in public for little periods at a time and the thought of taken classes was overwhelming.

Worse yet, I had no urge to want to see clients one on one – so I hadn’t the slightly clue as to how anything was going to come out of anything. I just resigned myself to being overall satisfied with life and just a little lost.

This is where my Shadows on the Side Blog and Twitter account came in.

In my 1st Shadows on the Side Blog post I was talking about Sleep Paralysis and how I haven’t had any Sleep Paralysis or Psychic Attacks in over 2 years. I was wondering why after I posted my blog.

I was wondering if it had anything to do with an exercise that I tried at the time.

Just a bit of background in regards to my Sleep Paralysis – when I was about 12 years old I started experiencing on occasion Sleep Paralysis and Psychic attacks even though I never actually saw what I was being attacked by.

My age correlated with moving with my parents into a house that was definitely haunted and my Grandma’s house where I stayed about 4 times a year (that was in a little town) was haunted as well although I didn’t recognize how bad the paranormal activities were until my 1st husband (who is sensitive to paranormal activity) and I found out 1st hand in both houses.

However, I still experienced the Sleep Paralysis and Attacks when I was sleeping in other locations which made me figure that whatever it was attacking me was with me versus at a specific location.

So about 2 years ago my significant other of the present day and I had just moved into house #7 of a string of houses that we renovated and flipped for profit. During this time I was still experiencing Sleep Paralysis and Psychic Attacks on occasion so it, what ever it was, had been following me from house to house.

I was recovering from a really bad case of strepthroat and to keep myself busy I dove into Paranormal TV Shows including Rescue Mediums and was reading Doreen Virtue’s Angel Therapy Book.

One day while I was watching one of the paranormal shows, I got the strange idea to going into a “Visualization” to talk to the ghost from the TV show I was watching, she was a female and really angry and unresolved – I don’t remember who she was and I don’t remember why I did it but I met her in the visualization, validating her experiences as well as points of view and feeling her emotions. Then when she was at peace I guided her over to light and she past over.

I have no idea where I got the idea to do it this way, all I know is that when my significant other did guided visualizations for clients when dealing with the subconscious mind and for healing emotional wounds, the visualizations always took a route of its own and amazing things would happen as a result.

So then I started to get the idea that the entity that had been following me around was actually my Mom’s Father, my Grandfather and he was wanting to get my attention ( I was usually pushed and pulled like someone was trying to drag me somewhere ) – he had died shortly after a horrific car accident before I was born and my Mom and him weren’t close because he wasn’t a very good father, had a temper and had abandoned his family when my Mom was just a girl.

When I was Psychically Attacked during a Sleep Paralysis episode once at my Grandma’s house, (which is my Dad’s Parents, not my Mom’s) I got the idea that it was my Grandfather, but it didn’t make sense why it would be my Grandfather on my Dad’s side (even though he had passed away also before I was born too) because he just seemed to not be the type of person to do this.

So I figured that it was my Mom’s Dad, so I went into a Visualization and met up with him, I validated his experience and felt his emotions, he also wanted someone to go with him into the light, I couldn’t go in but I took his hand up to the light and then I think there was a woman, most likely an angel who came to take him from there.

Since then no Sleep Paralysis or Attacks at all. I kept the Visualizations to myself because I didn’t really know whether what I was doing was for real or not, or how I was doing it through Visualization or my Imagination versus doing it right there in the room if that makes sense.

So after I wrote the 1st Shadows on the Side Blog, I sat back wondering if what I did 2 years ago was for real or not.

Then last week my Mom called saying that my sister the Lightworker, had called saying that she had gone to get a reading done and the medium said that a handsome man who had come by boat from Ireland named Bert had come through with a woman and he said to my sister that “Everything is going to be o.k. and I am happy”

My sister didn’t know who the man was but she thought it was probably my Mom’s Dad and the message was for my Mom. Sure enough my Grandfather’s nickname was Bert. (Robert)

Mom really didn’t get anything out of the message and we were having a bit of chuckle that he would come over with an attractive woman but after I got off the phone with my Mom it struck me that the message was actually for me, he had come over with his angel that escorted him to the light to give me the confirmation that I needed.

Wow! Then my next conformation came when a couple of days ago now, my significant other and I had a sudden urge to go for a car ride in the middle of the night – we turned the radio on and Coast To Coast A.M. ( ) was on and George Noory was interviewing Dr. Susan Shumsky ( and she was talking about how she helps people cross over from a different field and it was very similar to what I did! It was so exciting and very uplifting!

So this may be where my 2 loves of helping people and the paranormal can cross over if you pardon the pun – I have always been fascinated by mediums and how they cross people over and I always debated that if I was on a paranormal investigation team would I want to do the scientific research or be the medium – yet I always thought well that’s silly I’m not a medium – but then again…

To find out what I mean come back for Part 3 of my Stranger Than Fiction Posts.

Goodnight and/or Goodmorning!

Melody Michaluk

Stranger Than Fiction – Part One

Posted in Ghost Stories, Horror Novels, Paranormal, Sleep Paralysis on June 10, 2009 by shadowsontheside

So Melody Michaluk is my maiden name and a pen name that I decided to use so as to separate my non-fiction work from my fiction work that I am planning to work on now.

I have been writing non-fiction e-books and articles for years on relationships, spirituality and self-growth with my significant other who owns a Relationship Centre.

Recently I have been going through a transition in my life where I feel like it is time for me to take a different course other than just non-fiction writing. The writing and the creative process is fun and I love it but how I pictured my writing career and helping people never took off in the way I was expecting it to.

So I decided to pursue my other love in life (which in a way is kind of a paradox but not really since everything is connected) – I decided to pursue my love of the paranormal and horror/haunted themes type of writing hence Shadows on The Side .

However, I have Writer’s Block and if how many people are visiting my Shadows on the Side Blog is any indication – this may also not be the route I should be taking right now.

So I took a little writing hiatus to see what would unfold.

My 1st major life transition happened about 9-10 years ago, I was married and in a job that wasn’t doing anyone any benefit by me being in it when I was suddenly drawn to learning about energy after seeing a poster on Reiki as well as while at a charity tea there was a woman guest speaker who was talking about Chakras.

I also at that time without realizing it had asked to be drawn to my true Dharma in life.

I was then drawn to take a Personal Development Course where I would meet my future soul-mate.

Once divorced I begin my new relationship and early into our relationship we were introduced to an Energy Healer/Shaman and we received a couple of healing sessions with her.

My significant other and soul-mate for most of his life would be considered a go-getter A-Type of personality whose innerchild was completely shutdown.

However, this was a cover for the fact that he was a “sensitive” person and a natural channel and he had an amazing destiny to fulfill that to this day is still unfolding.

This is where it gets stranger than fiction.

When he was young and long before we met he was in California nursing his wounds after breaking up with a girlfriend of his. He had an epiphany moment were he got the idea that he was to start a Relationship and Personal Development Centre even though he had no background – he had read many, many books and attended hundreds of personal development and relationship seminars but hadn’t taken any courses himself yet.

He also got the sudden urge while staying in California to take up Reiki. He was trained in Reiki, then as a Reiki Master.

Then I don’t know if this happens to everyone who signs up as a Reiki Master, but the Reiki Masters on his last day before he had to return to Winnipeg (because his Visa was up) handed him a purple crystal.

They said to him “Take this, it is yours – you are the Hope of the North”

So now fast forward to about 8 years ago, we decided to start a Self-Love course with the Energy Healer we met. She was mentoring me on how to read energy and my body – she wasn’t the best when it came to verbal communication – she always gave hints as to what I was suppose to be doing with my life but never came right out and say it.

During this time I was also approached by a Reiki Master, a Huna Healer and my nephew who is Wiccan (My Oldest Sister who’s his Mom is much older than me) who all took an interest in wanting to teach me what they know.

My Nephew said I may be a Natural Wiccan because of a bunch of triangles on my hand (?), my Energy Healer also said I am an Earth Child which I never got a clarification on.

Then one evening after a Self-Love Class, we were talking to our Energy Healer and I mentioned the purple crystal and she said “Yes of course, I should bring mine over to see if it matches up with his.”

She knew more about what was going on with the crystal but never explained further.

Then (keep this in mind this isn’t fiction) my significant other has a friend who channels who came to visit us who said she had visions and a prophecy in regards to the two of us.

Her visions were in 3 parts, the 1st was that my significant other was to meet me, next we were to go together to her house (which we did) and that we were to have a child ( this one hasn’t come true yet)

The prophecy we never got to because my significant other and his friend had a falling out and haven’t talked since.

During this time period our Energy Healer also had a big meeting at our house once with a large group of people where we “overthrew the representation of the male energy” which was to have some sort of world impact.

Our healer was also gathering what seemed to be a dream team of “sensitive’s” but then all of a sudden she decided to go her separate way from us – and that was that.

Everything was over and everyone seemed to dissipate in their own direction. I barely knew what was going on in the first place and all of a sudden everything was over.

I almost felt like I had been kicked out of the path somehow and I have never really found my way ever since.

Any ideas of becoming a healer or working with energy dissipated within me and I went full time into writing for the Centre and developing relationship systems with my significant other.

At first I counseled or sat in for counselling sessions with my significant other but I started developing Social Phobia so I buried myself in writing.

Now, with events that have happened over the last couple of weeks it may be an indication that it is time to peak my head out to the light.

In my next post I’ll explain what has happened recently that may give me some answers to unanswered questions of the past and where my newest transition is taking me…

Until Next Time

Melody Michaluk

Welcome To The Shadows On The Side Blog

Posted in Ghost Stories, Horror Novels, Paranormal, Sleep Paralysis, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , on May 21, 2009 by shadowsontheside

Welcome to the Shadows On The Side Blog!

I’m Melody, I am in the early stages of writing a fictional horror/paranormal type of novel called Shadows on the Side about Shadow people and Sleep Paralysis.

I have been having trouble getting momentum even though I have had the ideas forming in my head for several years inspired by my own real life experiences with Sleep Paralysis and the strange and often frightening things that happen when you can see, hear, feel but cannot move!

Then when I was researching other people’s true life experiences about their sleep paralysis some of their stories have been so bone-chilling that I said that’s it – I just have to write about this!

I have been lucky in two ways:

1) I have never seen the creepy things that many people have seen (but trust me I have definitely felt and heard things!)

2) I have been sleep paralysis free for over 2 years, I believe due to some healing and clearing that I was lucky enough to have.

Doing research into sleep paralysis I know that there are many theories as to what is going on.

Some research says it is Sleep Apnea and lack of oxygen to the brain that triggers your brain to hallucinate, see and feel things and have the sensation of something watching you.

Other researchers say that when you sleep your body goes into a state of paralysis for protective purposes and sometimes we wake up too soon before the paralysis lifts and because we are half asleep and fueled by our own natural disposition we will interpret the event as eithor positive or negative.

Still others say Sleep Paralysis is caused by being jolted out sleep while in your R.E.M. state making hallucinations appear vivid and real.

This R.E.M. theory may also make sense as to why I found that I had much more Sleep Paralysis experiences when I have had little sleep or when my sleep as been broke up which would cause havoc on my R.E.M. cycles.

So even with all these studies and logical reasons – ask anyone who has come face to face with an Old Hag or has been choked, attempted to be dragged or smothered and it’s sometimes hard to believe that it’s all on the up and up.

Then there are theories that you are really in the process of having an ‘out of body’ experience and once again nothing is good or bad but thinking makes it so.

Then of course there is the potential that  it is truly something more sinister and threatening going on.

So after doing the scientific research I realize I don’t have the scientific background or the patience to be thorough enough for a non-fiction study or book.

I also do not have the paranormal, medium or healer’s background to offer a book that has advice on how to help, protect or heal your situation.

So I decided to write a fictional novel with the essence of true stories in it so if you have experienced sleep paralysis and/or psychic attacks, bone-crushers, Old Hags or other creatures from Shadow People to creatures so strange that they must be coming from another dimension (which is one of my theories of another dimension or side dimension which is where the title of the book comes from) – at least you won’t feel you are crazy and that you will know you are not alone out there.

So I created this blog so from time to time I’ll update on how the book is coming along, as well as I would like to invite anyone who has a story or something that they like to share to leave a comment here on the the blog.

I also decided to create this blog so I can once in a while tell a real story of mine to get it out of my system.

Last but not least, I can’t guarantee that anyone or any advice will help or not but I have a Twitter Account @shadowontheside (no ‘s’ in the word shadow) and I am following wonderful sources of information including Paranormal Research Society @paranormalTV (Website: and Alabama Paranormal Research Team @aprt ( Website: among another amazing resources.

Good Night and/or Good Morning Everyone!

Hello world!

Posted in Uncategorized on May 21, 2009 by shadowsontheside

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